Amsterdam Exchange Programs (Fall & Spring)

a semester in amsterdam posterBeautiful, vibrant, progressive, and safe, Amsterdam (originally Amstel-Dam) is an ideal destination for Emory students interested in the study of language and communication. Long a center of Dutch culture, in recent years it has become home to residents from 150 other nationalities, making it one of the great polycultural and polylingual cities of the world. And, although a million people live in or near Amsterdam, its small size makes it easy to get around, by walking, biking (a veritable obsession in Amsterdam) or taking one of the many trams. It is also home to great universities, and Emory has established its Linguistics Study Abroad-Exchange Programs with two of the most important: the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA or University of Amsterdam) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU or Free University).

WHY AMSTERDAM? Amsterdam is an ideal place to experience, study and reflect upon language and communication. The city offers a unique multilingual environment where English has been adopted as a lingua franca, and the Dutch universities facilitate advanced academic study by offering many courses taught in English on Linguistics and Communication (as well as other disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences).

ACADEMICS. Emory students may study in Amsterdam during the Fall and/or Spring semesters, at either UvA or VU (but not both). Students must take at least one course in Linguistics or Communication and one Dutch language course; they are free to select two to three other courses in the Humanities or Social Sciences (maximum of one in the Social Sciences).

COURSES IN LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION. Regularly-offered Linguistics courses have been pre-approved for Emory students. Some of these are listed below. To inquire about the approval of other courses, you will need to contact the relevant Faculty Study Abroad Representatives.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Child Language Acquisition (LING 316)
Discourse Analysis (LING 340)
From Manuscript to Internet (LING 385)
Global English (LING 340)
Introduction to Psycholinguistics (LING 385)

Universiteit van Amsterdam
European Minority Languages (LING 385)
Genres in Film, Television and New Media (LING 340)
History of the Russian Language & Culture (LING 385)
Language and Cognition (LING 385)
Language Change and History of English (LING 360)

ACCOMMODATIONS. Emory students live in university residence halls with Dutch and international students.

APPLICATIONS. All Emory students are welcome to apply for the Amsterdam Programs, but preference is given to students studying linguistics. For more details and information regarding the application process, visit the Emory College Study Abroad website for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA).

Emory University's exchange programs in Amsterdam offer students the opportunity to take a range of courses taught in English while exploring Dutch culture and one of the world's great multicultural and multilingual cities. The program is open to all Emory students, but Linguistics Majors and Minors are given preference.

Jessica Mrase, Study Abroad Advisor:
Donald Tuten, Program Faculty Contact: 404-727-6487,