Seth Goss

photo of Professor Seth Goss

Associate Professor, Japanese
Ph.D. in Japanese Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 2015

Office: 211 Modern Languages Building
Phone: 404-727-2167

Professor Goss teaches courses on Japanese language and linguistics. His interest in language teaching stems from his experience as a Japanese learner, making him keenly aware of the challenges and rewards inherent in learning to function competently—both linguistically and culturally—in Japan. Dr. Goss received training in Japanese language pedagogy both in the US (SPEAC Program at Ohio State) and Japan (Research Institute for Japanese Language Education).

Goss's research is centered on understanding how nonnative learners acquire Japanese, but his areas of linguistic investigation are broad. He has explored topics including the production of speech prosody; individual differences in the ability to perceive word accent; and most recently, the effects of native language phonology on second language word recognition. Prof. Goss is currently interested in the acquisition of second language idioms and collocations and the effects of form- versus meaning-focused instruction of kanji in the Japanese classroom.

Prof. Goss's Faculty Page

Courses taught in Linguistics

LING 210 Sounds of Human Language
LING 234 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (same as JPN 234)